Thursday, January 17, 2013

Update 1/17/13: Hatpalooza!

Hey jammers! The exciting new update is here! HAPPY HATPALOOZA! Along with the new updates comes with exciting new hat carts, one located in Mt. Shiver, the other located in Saparia Forest, and the last located in crystal sands! The hat cart located in Mt. Shiver contains the freedom lion hat, the freedom monkey hat, the freedom chicken hat, and the police hat! The hat cart in Saparia Forest contains the freedom hat, the joker hat (Or its something like that), the clover hat, the phantom hat, and the lion hat. The final cart located in crystal sands has some very exciting hats in it, including the eyeball hat, the fancy top hat, the freedom koala hat and finally.... the best hat of all....... THE TOP HAT! WHOOOOOO! *Does a little happy dance*  Tons of scamming problems will be solved soon! Yay!!!!!!! Ok, I have to move on. In epic wonders, now being sold is the birth stone display and this months birth stone, the Garnet! Be sure to pick up the Garnet before the month ends! There is a new contest, Cosmo's hat contest! Be sure to enter! Enjoy the new update, bye!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Brown tile

Hey jammers! Today's new item is the brown tile flooring! YAY! I love it when flooring or wallpaper come out! Well, because it never does come out. This item is really similar to the beta tan carpet, which is non-member. Well, that's all I have for today, bye!

P.S. Do you like the new banner? I worked hard on it! :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Welcome Cheezeman and Agile!

Welcome Grayson, otherwise known as the Cheezeman, and Fragile! And welcome Reese, otherwise known as Agile! Welcome!!!!!!!

Grayson will be here soon!

Hey jammers! GREAT news.... Grayson will be reading this blog soon! Yay! Bye!

Yesterday's item

Hey jammers! Yesterday's item was the frozen bush... or what is it? This is a short post, I know. Bye!

I can make you banners!

It's true. I can make you banners! For free!!!!!!!

So sorry!

Hey jammers! I'm SOOOOOOO sorry about not posting! I've been busy lately. Very busy! Ok, since Grayson is about to read this blog, let's all give him a big welcome to the cheese man! He thinks AJ is stupid, but he's TOTALLY wrong! Well, welcome, cheese man! I'm gonna start calling you CheeziMi. Ha! Bye!